A Treatment for Blindness? NHS to Install Bionic Eyes in 10 Patients

A rare genetic disorder – Retinitis Pigmentosa or RP – is capable of damaging the ability of the retina to respond to light. It does so by disabling the retina’s rod photoreceptors. The National Eye Institute has estimated that 1…

Get Paid $18000 by NASA Just to Smoke Weed and Stay in Bed for 70 Days?!

Most of us wish to remain in bed, and to never to leave our homes for days. Many even dream of only laying down, smoking weed while being all cozied up inside a blanket. You might not be a chronically…

Strange Sounds Recorded In Mariana Trench Could Be New Whale Species.

A haunting sound was discovered between 2014 and 2015 – during an exploratory mission to the Mariana Trench. The recordings were further analyzed, and it was concluded that the strange noise was that of baleen whales. The findings do not…

“Smart Scalpel” Can Identify Tumors in Half a Second.

We are living in an era of ‘everything SMART’ – from a smartwatch to smartphones. Innovation, science, and technology are making breakthrough inventions that are making our lives comfortable and convenient. One such invention is a SMART SCALPEL – devised…

Do Emotions Impact Our Health? Explore The Answers.

Science proves that trapped emotions cause illnesses and impacts our body physically. Our body and mind can heal if we release the repressed and suppressed negative emotions. Different physiological changes that occur in our body are due to feelings. We…

Scientists Found a Way to Reverse Signs of Aging

A new experiment is set to change the human aging process. It’s aimed to replicate conditions of a stem cell through the expressions of genes irregularly – for the reversible process of aging and its signs. The Salk Institute’s researchers…

This FDA Approved Drug can Provide Permanent Solution for Stroke Victims Having Brain Damage

The University of Manchester and its team of researchers have developed a new innovative treatment that can permanently repair brain damage caused by a stream of strokes. The drug is FDA approved and is developed for the promotion of repair…

Observing Light Spectrum of Antimatter for the First Time.

Want to know what does an antimatter look like? Scientists have found a way to catch a glimpse of the antimatter for the first time in optical light. So, what does it looks like?