8 Celebrities that Use Their Fame to Awaken The Masses

We live in strange times when celebrities are worshipped liked modern-age gods. Attention is heaped upon them and literally millions of people watch their every move so it’s no surprise when you hear of celebrities having nervous breakdowns, turning to…

U.S. Government Confirms Earthquakes Are Related To Fracking.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has recently released a study that confirms there has been a drastic increase in earthquakes coinciding with the injection of wastewater into disposal wells, which is part of the ‘fracking’ process.

The International Flag For The Next Mission In Space.

The “Red Planet” is considered the next big “new frontier” of Humanity. And while studies show that the prospect of colonization is considered difficult because of the inhospitable environment, the flag will place scientists when they finally manage to reach…

Thousands Of Unreleased Documents Featuring Einstein’s Life Work Released Online For Free.

Starting this week, for the first time ever, large volumes of Albert Einstein’s unreleased work will be made available to the public, for free. The newly released files contain over 5,000 documents, which include, letters, papers, postcards, notebooks and diaries…

The Ancient Greeks Knew A Thing or Two About Happiness.

Peter Baumann, former member of the band Tangerine Dream and founder of the Baumann Foundation, argues that our baseline is a kind of joy of living, but that we’re easily distracted from it.

Why Are Hemp Seeds Essential for Health? Health Benefits and Delicious Recipes.

By  Trinity Bourne Hemp is one of the most versatile plants on the planet. It is an amazing gift of nature, can produce high quality clothing, textiles, paper, food and while we’re at it – you can even build a…

Extraterrestrial Civilizations Visited the Earth in the Distant Past

It isn’t a question anymore, if ancient man was visited by intelligent extraterrestrial beings in the distant past. A great amount of evidence has been gathered that proves that in the distant past, human beings were visited by beings from…

Sikh Removes Turban To Help Injured Boy

The Man of the hour has become a young Sikh because he ignored the strict religious protocol and immediately took off his turban when he saw a child injured by a car that needed immediate first aid. The 22-year old…