34% Decrease in Profits of Monsanto After a Year of Protests Worldwide.

The biotechnology company Monsanto announced the reduction of its profits by 34% in the first quarter of 2015 as a result of reduced demand for genetically modified seeds by farmers in South America.

10 Fruits and Vegetables That Store the Wrong Way!

You buy fresh fruit and vegetables, refrigerate and a few days later discover that they have spoiled. What are you doing wrong? Maybe not store them properly.

They Founded the First Church of Cannabis in the United States

In the United States addressing cannabis varies from state to state, but surely the case of Indiana is the most … interesting.

9-year-old’s Garden Harvest Tackles Homelessnesses

Although only 9 years old Hailey Fort Washington makes wooden shelters and cultivates vegetables for the homeless.She was just five years old when he saw a homeless person in Bremerton, Washington, where he lives and was willing to help him.

Images That Represent The Daily Lives of Humans Today.

French illustrator Jean Jullien created a series of pictures representing everyday life of man today. Technology has come for good in our lives and we have forgotten how to talk with our fellow human beings.

5 Tibetan Exercises you Should be Doing Every Day.

Aside from yoga, a workout I love for enhancing flexibility is the Five Tibetan Rites, also known as the “Fountain of Youth”, because this practice effectively strengthens and stretches all the main muscles in your body.

How Long You Can Freeze Everything.

Who knew you could freeze non-citrus fruits for a year? Other foods can last for months longer than you might think, proving yet again that our freezers have more leftover-storing power than we realized.

Canada’s first pot vending machine starts operation

The first cannabis-dispensing machine in Canada has begun operating in Vancouver, following on from the first machine installed recently in the US state of Colorado. The difference? The Canadian machine doesn’t ID you.