James Red
116 Articles0 Comments

I am a co-creator and author of Truth Inside Of You. I study computer science and I love spending my time listening to music and exploring the Web seeking information. I also like reading books and daydreaming for a better world.

Test: Do You See a Duck Or a Rabbit?

This is a well known optical illusion which can be seen in two ways, either as a duck or a rabbit. Which one do you see? And when you see the one image, you can switch to the other?

The 6 Amazing Foods That Will Remove Nicotine from Your Body.

Nicotine is one of the most potent substances in cigarettes from which addiction million people suffer. Below we give you some tips on how to rid your body of nicotine so as to completely stop smoking and the damage caused…

Wake Up Call a Shocking Video for Consumerism.

The video below was created by the Gaia Foundation and aims to raise awareness of the overuse and misuse of electronic devices.

A Shoe That Is Growing Numbers Will Change Millions of Lives.

A single invention can change millions of lives. Kenton Lee created a sandal that can adjust the number and allow children from the most disadvantaged countries in the world do not have to be barefoot. The shoes come in large…

New Impressive Galaxy Map.

For the first time in a galactic image are contained stars and cosmic matter.Impressive and important data for research activity the new galaxy map.

Spectacular Video Spacewalk From GoPro Camera.

For most of us, these videos are the best substitute for a real walking space. Astronauts wore GoPro camera before going to work outside the International Space Station received spectacular shots in high resolution.

The Consciousness Affects Reality. (Video)

Quantum physics beyond the revolution brought in the early 20th century, changed the way we see the world. Most importantly revealed that the reality we perceive … it is very real, but a creation of the mind and our senses.

Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson : The Universe Is Us. Our Atoms Come from the Stars!

Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?”