Poker Bot Developed to Outlast Human Players.

A poker-playing Artificial Intelligence programs have been drawn up by two research groups. And it proves that computers are capable of hustling human players – the best ones! It has been a significant achievement for artificial intelligence. The researchers in…

Get Paid $18000 by NASA Just to Smoke Weed and Stay in Bed for 70 Days?!

Most of us wish to remain in bed, and to never to leave our homes for days. Many even dream of only laying down, smoking weed while being all cozied up inside a blanket. You might not be a chronically…

This Amazing Study Demonstrates How Humans Can Sense A “Force Field” Around Them.

If you look back into the theories and practices surrounding auras and the electromagnetic field of the body, it appears that something is really going on around us. What a lot of people would like to know is if we…

Sarcastic People Are Actually Smarter, Sexier And More Successful

Look at you, sitting over there, reading my article, looking all cute and sh*t. Just kidding, you’re a hot mess today — I was being completely sarcastic.

Study Reveals What Cannabis Does To Your Brain.

According to a new study, smoking high-potency skunk-like cannabis can significantly damage white matter, which is responsible for connecting different areas of the brain.

It Seems Like Sarcasm Give A Boost To Creativity.

At least this is what shows a recent study. The Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes published a study that shows that sarcasm has a positive effect on one’s creativity.

The Gateway Drug Is Alcohol, Not Marijuana.

A study in the August edition of The Journal of School Health finds that the generations old theory of a gateway drug effect is, in fact, accurate for some drug users, but shifts the blame for those addicts’ escalating substance abuse…

Which Country Has The Smartest People In The World?

This list shows the average of the rates of intelligence ….  in every country. For those who don’t know, Singapore appears on the list that has the highest score by an average of 108.