A 75-year Harvard Study Has Revealed the Most Important Factor in Human Happiness

Harvard University, for 75 years conducted a revolutionary study in psychology to find out about human happiness. Their study included following the lives of two groups of men for over 75 years and now follows their baby boomer children to…

Talking To Your Pets And Naming Your Car Are Signs Of Intelligence (According To Science)

Okay so we all have conversations with our pets, right? Who doesn’t greet their furry companion every time they come back home and have a small chat with them? Also, isn’t it normal to have a name for your car?…

Studies Show What Happens To The Human Body When We Walk Barefoot On Earth

Grounding or ‘earthing’we call the act of bringing your feet into direct contact with the ground, without any kind of footwear in between. There are many studies which show us what happens to our bodies when we walk barefoot. Not wearing…

It’s Possible to Plant False Memories Into Your Brain, And It Could Be a Good Thing.

Often we quarrel over an action which took place when all of us were present but we remember different versions of it. Our brain does the alteration of recollection for our benefit. Elizabeth F. Loftus, a well-known researcher of cognitive…

Want To Raise Successful Daughters? Science Says Nag The Heck Out Of Them.

A scientific study seems to have had a breakthrough on how to raise successful daughters. During the course of the study, which was conducted by the University of Essex, it was found that teenage girls, whose mother nagged them on…

Shock Study: Male Sperm Counts Are Plummeting, And Scientists Don’t Know Why

A study concludes that the male sperm counts are falling rapidly in western men – that includes North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. However, the sperm count of Asian, African and South American men is perfectly normal. No decline…

Research Shows 72 Hours Fasting Can Reboot the Entire Immune System of Humans.

Recently, a research by a team from University of Southern California claimed that three days’ fasting can effectively regenerate our immune systems. This brilliant discovery can organically lead to a better and healthier immune system. New findings about fasting Earlier,…

10 Minutes After Death, Brain Activity Detected.

Want to hear something unbelievable? Here’s one for science fiction! A Study found that a full 10 minutes after clinical death, the brain still showed activity in one particular human being. The study was published in The Canadian Journal of…