Do You Know the Difference Between Lust and Love? These 4 Endearing Comics Can Help.

There’s a huge difference between lust and love. Sometimes it’s easy to confuse the two. Most of us think we know when we’re in love, but I’m not sure we’re as self-aware when it comes to lust.

Man Tried To Get On His Wife’s Nerves. How He Did It? PRICELESS.

Being happily married, especially for many years, is an incredible blessing. What is the secret to it? Perhaps those minor fights that keep the fire in the relationship? Read this and see for yourself!

Why People are Obsessed With Sex

Sexual intercourse is one of the most beautiful experiences one can have. Through the communion of the sexual act, two persons can merge and disappear into one another and experience ecstatic moments of love — moments everyone is deep down thirsty…

Your Ideal Sexual Partner According To Your Zodiac Sign.

Some people might roll their eyes at the idea of ‘astrological compatibility’, even those who read their horoscope just for fun during their morning coffee. But, if you want to find off-the-charts chemistry with a lover, it certainly can’t hurt…

Why We’re Attracted To People Who Are Wrong For Us

I’m asked this question all the time: “Why am I attracted to people who are wrong for me?” And the answer is quite simple, actually:

Why Non-Attachment Is One Of the Keys To A Happy Life & Relationship

You might be surprised to hear that non-attachment is an important quality for relationships.

A Strong Woman Doesn’t Intimidate A Real Man

The idea that strong women are intimidating and unattractive to men is one that has permeated across societies and cultures. Coupled with the other toxic notion that a woman’s greatest ambition in life is to find and marry a man,…

Getting Back With An Ex Will Only Prove How Much You’ve Both Changed.

It’s inevitable that as humans, we grow and evolve over time. When it comes to relationships, sometimes people change for the other person, or perhaps the other person changes for him or her.