20 Traits Of A Sarcastic Girlfriend

Dating a sarcastic girl is not as bad as it sounds. Sarcasm might sometimes feel like an offense, but in fact, it’s more complicated than that. Sarcastic people are not mean; they just share their own unique kind of humor.…

26 Ways Couples Say I Love You Without Saying A Word

There’s no denying that saying I love you is hugely important in any happy, healthy relationship.

15 Things To Remember When Loving Someone With Depression.

There are more than 350 Million people in the world who currently suffer from depression. With such a huge statistic its virtually impossible for anyone not to interact with someone suffering from a bout of depression at some point in…

You Won’t Find True Love Until You Accept These 10 Things.

In many ways, true love is similar to marriage or having children. We have romantic fantasies—fueled by society—about these life choices. And yet, rarely do we think—what makes them really work? Often—more thought and expense—is spent on planning the wedding…

17 Things You Should Know Before You Fall In Love With An Old Soul.

1. Don’t worry about going overboard with impressing us. It’s the simple things in life we have the most fun with. The easiest way to our heart is just doing things like walking around a city exploring, going on long…

Sapiosexuality: Why Some of Us Are Attracted Purely by Intelligence.

A sapiosexual is defined as: “One who finds intelligence the most sexually attractive feature,” and they are way more common than you’d think. Intelligence truly is sexy, and there is a scientific basis to why.

Reading This Beautiful Story Might Just Save Your Relationship. Choose Him or Her Everyday.

I was scrolling through Facebook when I came across a story written by Bryan Reeves, a former US Air Force Captain who in his own words has survived multiple dark nights of the soul and done many stupid things that…

10 Things Only People Who Are Hard On Themselves Will Understand.

People who are hard on themselves go through quite the struggle. We wish we could say we’re ambitious over-achievers because that’s who we are and not because we’re trying to validate ourselves. Those who are hard on themselves understand trying…