Points on Your Body You Shouldn’t Get a Tattoo

While getting ready for a tattoo and terrified that you  will not endure the needle then you’re right.

This is What Happens When You Massage This Point on the Ear

On a recent television show about healthy living on Russian national television, a doctor of medical science and psychiatry, Mark Sandomirsky, advised his patients to relieve stress using this easy technique.

You Want It? Work For It!

Achieving something that you truly want was never something easy to do. The way to success is long and difficult, that’s why not too many people are achieving their goals. If you truly want something for yourself you will have…

Simple Sitting and Rising Test Predicts How Long You’ll Live.

Flexibility, balance and muscle strength are key indicators of longevity. Sit. Stand. Repeat. This little trick — a deceptively simple measure of flexibility and strength — can predict who will live longer and whose lives will be cut short, according…

The Effects Of Negative Emotions On Our Health.

Humans experience an array of emotions, anything from happiness, to sadness to extreme joy and depression. Each one of these emotions creates a different feeling within the body. After all, our body releases different chemicals when we experience various things…

The Five Psychological Phases of Fitness.

The five phases of fitness describe how people are going to feel after starting a fitness program, whether as a beginner or advanced athlete.

What is Your Body Type?Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph?

I believe that a healthy mind needs a healthy  body. Working out is a great thing for one’s health,but every person has a different body type so it’s important to be able to identify and understand your body type. Different body…

Jim Moriss: 77 Years Old, Vegan Bodybuilder.

Jim Morris was a competitive bodybuilder for 30 years, and became vegan within the past twelve. At 50 he was a vegetarian, and at 65 he was a vegan. Jim talks about health problems he endured when he ate meat…