Health and Medicine

Health and Medicine – Alternative news to help you with your health.

The Doctor Who Beat The British General Medical Council By Proving That Vaccines Aren’t Necessary To Achieve Health.

What happened when a UK doctor appeared as an expert witness to help two mothers prove in court that their children didn’t need to be vaccinated? A 3 year court case against the British General Medical Council that ended with the…

Recipe to Make Cannabis Oil for Chemo Alternative.

“Once the public becomes aware of the fact that properly made hemp medicine can cure or control practically any medical condition, who is going to stand up against the use of hemp?” Rick Simpson has dedicated his life to helping…

E-Cigs Have 10x More Cancer Causing Ingredients Than Regular Cigarettes

A recent report from The Guardian reveals some extremely important news for people who are looking to quit smoking. Japanese scientists have recently announced that e-cigarettes contain 10 times the level of cancer-causing carcinogens than its counterpart in the tobacco…

Muscle-Building Supplements Linked To Testicular Cancer.

Why Is This Important? Because these findings may be a game-changer for the fitness industry. The Real Story From professional bodybuilders to high-school sports teams, millions of men have been taking muscle-building supplements for many years. However, a recent study…

Stress And Anxiety: How They Drain Your Energy

We live in a world where stress and anxiety have become common due to our busy lifestyle and volatile economy. In the United States alone, anxiety disorders affect as many as 40 million adults. If not treated, in the long…

THIS is What Happens When You Put Onions In Your Socks While Sleeping!

The bottom of your feet are powerful and direct access points to internal organs in your body through what is known as meridians in Chinese medicine.  These meridians are pathways to each organ with your body. Some people say that…

Why you should put an ice cube at this point on your head.

It may seem a bit crazy at first, but wait till you try it. This one secret will make you look younger and leave you feeling full of life and energy.

What is The WORST Place to Store Your Cell Phone.

It is no secret that cell phones are dangerous, but storing them in some places could be more damaging to your body than others. Do you know which ones?