Health and Medicine

Health and Medicine – Alternative news to help you with your health.

Have You Ever Used a Body Cream with Shea Butter? A Woman in West Africa May Be Grateful for It.

Shea butter is a very common ingredient of cosmetic products and a less-known ingredient for cooking oil or even chocolate. While you may have been using it, you may not know this aspect to it: shea butter offers a steady…

Music Is A Medicine Much More Effective Than Drugs On Managing Pain.

400 published scientific papers have proven the old adage that “music is medicine.” Neurochemical benefits of music can improve the body’s immune system, reduce anxiety levels and help regulate mood in ways that drugs have difficulty competing. “We’ve found compelling…

The World’s Youngest Medical Cannabis Patient Ever.

Amylea Nunez(two months old) became the world’s youngest medical cannabis oil patient ever recorded. Amylea was born on December 17, 2015.

Ultimate Recipe To Whiten Your Teeth 100% Naturally

Everyone would like to have a bright smile. Drinking coffee or tea, smoking cigs or even marijuanna are big factors that destroy the white colour of our teeth. So here we represent you an awesome, plus healthy way to whiten…

Top 10 Diseases That Will Kill You In A Day.

Even though modern medicine has evolved extremely quickly and in amazing ways, there are still many diseases that are left unbattled, are extremely quick in their effects and lethal.

Ovarian Cancer : 10 Symptoms That Reveal the Woman’s “silent Killer”!

Did you know that more than 550 women lose their battle against ovarian cancer every year? There are many things that trigger ovarian cancer and some of the typical causes include age, genetic predisposition and improper use of oral contraceptives.

Eliminate Cerumen-Ear Wax and Ear Infections with this Natural Remedy.

You possibly have already got these 2 ingredients in your home(bathroom and kitchen), thus there’s no reason to purchase something…This is a really healthy way to clean up your ears inside using just an easy home remedy with solely 2…

What Would You Choose Between Keeping Your Chest as It Is and Having Cancer?

A guy in Spain just beat cancer by losing a part of his chest. That sounds like a good deal, doesn’t it?