Health and Medicine

Health and Medicine – Alternative news to help you with your health.

Research Indicates You Should Take Long Walks In The Countryside.

We all know that spending time in nature is good for you. Almost everyone who has escaped from the big city for a day trip or a weekend, can reassure you that they start feeling fresher, healthier.

How To Starve Cancer To Death By Changing This One Thing From Your Diet.

Cancer is one of the most common diseases with which doctors are still battling, since there is not definite cure.

Brazilian Cardiologist Said The Public Is Largely Unaware Of The True Cause of Heart Attacks.

The theory that heart attacks begin in the heart itself – the Myogenic Theory – and not in the arteries, was developed by my father-in-law, the Brazilian cardiologist, Quintiliano H de Mesquita, who died in 2000. In this article, I…

Cannabis Compounds Reduce Serious Seizures In Children by 53%

What would you do if you or your child suffered from debilitating seizures caused by a rare form of epilepsy? Most parents opt for conventional medicine to treat such diagnosis, but young kids to adults who experience seizures caused by…

Cuba has a Lung Cancer Vaccine that USA wants it more than Cigars

When President Obama began lifting restrictions on travel, diplomatic and economic relations between the US and Cuba earlier this year, many Americans celebrated the fact that Cuban cigars and rum, among other things, would become more accessible.

Relieve your Headache & Stress with Acupressure in 30 Seconds.

“Alternative medicine” is usually grouped in a category that still remains seen as “unscientific,” thus leaving it out of the accepted treatment category in modern day medicine. One of these treatments is acupuncture, or acupressure.

What Can Happen to You if You Sleep in a Cold Room

Sleeping is essential for good health, as we all know. But, a new study has shown that sleeping in a colder room can improve health. Colder sleeping rooms can subtly transform your brown adipose tissue (considered as a good adipose)…

7 Lifesaving Signals your Body is Sending you

Our bodies are sending us messages every day pertaining to our overall health. Learning to interpret those messages can help us pay attention to what our body is telling us that it needs.