Jonah Winter
141 Articles0 Comments

I am creator and author of I study political science and public administration and I love spending my time thinking, reading, writing and speaking out of the box. Seeking hidden knowledge is one of my favorite hobbies. I also love meditation, music and rugby!

Western fighters are called into joining the fight in Syria

Although the war in Syria feels to be going on very far away from the “West“, we are starting to feel its consequences, since the Paris attack. However, long before that, many people from the West did not like staying…

An Autistic Man Created This App, to Show People How to Help Him When He Is Having a Panic Attack.

Most people have come at some point in their lives to the condition where they are overwhelmed by their surroundings and their high levels of stress interferes with their ability to talk to people around them. People wanting to help…

Have You Ever Used a Body Cream with Shea Butter? A Woman in West Africa May Be Grateful for It.

Shea butter is a very common ingredient of cosmetic products and a less-known ingredient for cooking oil or even chocolate. While you may have been using it, you may not know this aspect to it: shea butter offers a steady…

The World’s Youngest Medical Cannabis Patient Ever.

Amylea Nunez(two months old) became the world’s youngest medical cannabis oil patient ever recorded. Amylea was born on December 17, 2015.

Can Portobello Mushrooms Be Useful for Energy Production?

Apart from being the house of Smurfs and a good ingredient for almost any pasta sauce, portobello mushrooms seem to have a whole new aspect to them. They can be used to power the world.

Can an Artificial Intelligence Machine Be as Smart as a Four-year-old Child?

Machines of Artificial intelligence are a scientific field that is constantly on the rise. They have been known to easily beat humans in complex calculations and are a good opponent for chess. Now, researchers have gone one step further, making…

Unbelievable: River in India drained revealing thousand ancient secrets

Water overconsuption combined with drought are the main reasons that pushed a river in India to its limits. Although Shamala, river in Karnataka, has never drained before, the water is receding and thousands of Shiva Lingas are appearing.

Here Is a Good Reason Why You Should Not Buy Real Diamonds.

The quick evolution of technology makes it possible nowadays to have diamonds produced in labs, and not found in mines. These diamonds were invented in a warehouse in San Francsisco and they are basically luxurious crystals that look exaclty like diamonds that…