12 Strange Things Our Ancestors Did

Do you often feel weird about life today? The fashion, the selfie culture, everything seems too much. You are probably wondering if you can go back in time and live in the days of your ancestors. Well, earlier days always…

A Story of a Cook Who Infected Over 50 People With a Deadly Disease but Appeared Totally Healthy

A woman who carried disease-spreading germs but was fit herself? Yes, Typhoid Mary or Mary Mallon, was an American cook who infected a large chunk of people, without being infected in herself. Her name was thereafter used to denote those…

Praying Mantis Preserved In Amber Was Between 23-34 Million Years Old

It is an affirmation of the wonder that is nature. A living organism gets trapped and preserved for eternity in the most natural of substances by an unbelievably simple process. But it still remains a brilliant 3-dimensional exhibit of immortality,…

10 Historical Photos Which Will Inspire And Make Us Sad

A person who forgets history is similar to someone whose existence has lost all meaning. History is like a memory book for some, while for the majority, it is like diving into the ocean of un-witnessed historicity of uni-linear time.…