The 10 Inventions of Nikola Tesla that Changed the World.

Nikola Tesla is finally beginning to attract real attention and encourage serious debate more than 70 years after his death. Was he for real? A crackpot? Part of an early experiment in corporate-government control?

Crowdfunded Tesla Tower Project Seeks To Recreate Inventor’s Wireless Energy Transmission System.

By many accounts, the iconic inventor Nikola Tesla was years ahead of his time. His ideas for a worldwide wireless communications system, and a wireless energy transmission technology, never got the traction they perhaps may have deserved during his lifetime, and…

Tesla Motors Release Patents To Public.

Tesla Motors Ceo Elon Musk stated tha he will release patents to the Supercharger stations that charge their electric vehicles (EVs).This would have made it more convenient for competitors to enter or expand the EV market, reducing demand for traditional…

Nikola Tesla. The Truth About Unlimited Free Energy.

Encyclopedia Britannica lists Nikola Tesla as one of the top ten most fascinating people in history. Nikola Tesla was an electrical engineer who changed the world with the invention of the AC (alternating current) induction motor, making the universal transmission…

Nikola Tesla’s Lab Saved After 18 Years of Activism.

A campaign issued by the well-known comic creator of The Oatmeal, Matthew Inman, was established to raise enough money to purchase Nikola Tesla’s lab. It ended with incredible success.

These 9 Billionaires Were Completely Different At The Start Of Their Careers

All the famous billionaires were once ordinary individuals like you and me. Nowadays, it’s becoming easier. Anybody with a great idea can begin a start-up – and if it takes off, you can have your names written on billboards. It…

Kenya’s Solar Plant Turns Ocean Water Into Drinking Water Providing A Viable Solution To Global Water Crisis

Isn’t it ironical that a planet which consists of 71% water is suffering from water scarcity? The main question of this decade is ‘How do we convert oceanic water into potable water?’, and maybe the answer lies in Kenya.

This Is How Elon Musk Will Give Free WiFi To The Entire Planet

Interesting and relieving news for all techie people out there! The Technology entrepreneur and CEO of companies like SpaceX, Telsa Inc., and Neuralink, has come up with an amazing idea. Elon Musk will give free wifi around the globe. This will…