
Stuff in general that we think you should be aware of or for fun..

The Oldest Man In Recorded History?!

According to a 1930 New York Times article, Wu Chung-chieh, a professor of the Chengdu University, discovered Imperial Chinese government records from 1827 congratulating Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday, and further documents later congratulating him on his 200th birthday…

3 Months Since Legalizing Marijuana, Here’s What Colorado Looks Like

Supporters said it would create value for the local economy and government, with detractors claiming it would increase violent crime and raise health costs. Who was right?

Ancient statues destroyed by ISIS fake, real ones safe – report

The ancient statues that Islamic State militants smashed in Mosul on camera last month have been proved to be exact replicas of precious artifacts of Iraqi heritage. The real masterpieces of antiquity are said to be in Baghdad. “They were…

Thousands REVOLT In China Against Police Brutality. Cops Beat Woman In Street, Four Officers KILLED By Crowd

With all of the police brutality throughout the United States – especially in the past year – many have wondered if (or when) there might be a breaking point. Yesterday police officers in Ferguson, Missouri were shot by a sniper…

Global Marijuana March – People in Greece plan a massive “protest-festival” for the Legalization of Cannabis

The Global Marijuana March (GMM) is an annual rally held at different locations across the planet. It refers to cannabis-related events that occur on the first Saturday in May, or thereabouts, and may include marches, meetings, rallies, raves, concerts, festivals…

Four More Mysterious Giant Craters Found in Northern Russia After a Flash of Light

Scientists in northern Russia have discovered four new giant craters of an unknown origin in the Yamal Peninsula. Moreover, the appearance of one of the craters was preceded by a bright flash of light, which was witnessed by some of the…

This Guy Just Explained Capitalism Absolutely Perfectly.

Capitalism in different countries, explained with cows. Who knew cows could be so informative?

US government still hunting WikiLeaks as Obama targets whistleblowers.

The Department of Justice and the FBI are pursuing a ‘multi-subject long-term’ investigation of the open-information website, court documents reveal. The US government is conducting an active, long-term criminal investigation intoWikiLeaks, a federal judge has confirmed in court documents.