A Zen Master Explains Why Positive Thinking Is Terrible Advice

All our life we have been told to always think about the positive side of a story, or to see the positive side of a person, or to think positively in a situation. But is thinking positively the solution to…

Emotional Agility: Why You Need to Stop Trying to Be so Positive

It’s very likely that you haven’t ever heard the term Emotional Agility. Yet, you would do good to get acquainted with it, at the earliest.

10 Inspiring Positive Stories That Will Make Your Day

The internet is full of different stories. Sometimes you’ll come across too many negative stuff that just makes you want to turn it off. But here’s some positive stories that will restore your faith in humanity.

What Happens When Positive Thinking Fails Us.

“Just smile and be happy!” We hear these words so much from friends with good intentions. But truth be told, as far as I am concerned, these words are irritating. I have grown to hate these words sometimes, hate them with…

5 Polite Phrases That Will Disarm Rude People Instantly

When people are rude to you, it’s obviously extremely hard not to be offended or angry about it. The immediate reaction always is to respond harshly. However, it’s better to deal with the rudeness in a positive way without losing…

7 Things That Depression Does Not Want You To Know.

Depression is the most common psychological disorder today and the most common cause of absence from work.

10 Amazing Things That Happen When You Definitely Realize Your Self-Worth.

Do you struggle with self-confidence? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s a common issue for many and it can make your life feel like it just isn’t moving forward.

8 Powerful Steps To Positive Thinking.

It’s so much easier to be pessimistic than to be optimistic, isn’t it? To look at the half-empty glass instead of the half-full glass, to criticize and complain instead of expressing our appreciation and gratitude for everything that happens to…