Dealing With Difficult People. (part 1)

There are a lot of times in our life that we have to deal with difficult situations and also to deal with a lot of different types of difficult people. Imagine how many types of difficult people might exist out…

Man With Cerebral Palsy Creates Art Using Just A Typewriter

Paul Smith creates incredible works of art using a typewriter. He was born in Philadelphia on September 21, 1921. Although severe cerebral palsy, a disability that impeded his speech & mobility, kept him out of school, it didn’t prevent him from being an incredible artist.

Consciously Control Your Immune System with The Wim Hof Method.

Wim Hof is a holder of 20 Guinness World Records for withstanding extreme temperatures. He has climbed Everest and Kilimanjaro in only shorts and shoes, stayed comfortably in ice baths for hours, and run a marathon in the desert with…

Carl Jung About Synchronicity.

Have you ever experienced an 11:11 synchronicity? Psychologist Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity, which many of us use on a daily or weekly basis. Synchronicity is the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot…

Pablo Neruda .The Greatest Poet Of The 20th Century In Any Language.

Pablo Neruda was a Nobel Prize–winning Chilean poet who was once called “the greatest poet of the 20th century in any language”. To celebrate what would’ve been his 110th birthday (was yesterday), here are some of his most memorable quotes…

Remembering Zina Nicole Lahr & Creative Compulsive Disorder.

Zina Nicole Lahr was an unbelievably creative girl,that loved to crete staff from junk or old things that noone used anymore.All these thanks to her Creative Compulsive Disorder.

Doctor’s Photo That Shocked the Whole World

His own heart may not beating anymore, but the heart of the man who he saved, is working without any problem. Polish Zbigniew Religa heart surgeon and patient Tadeusz Zitkevits, have a really unique link, as we see in the picture…

A 19 Year Old Student Invented Technology To Clean The Oceans.

A “giant funnel” can trap and remove the plastic waste polluting the oceans.The idea belongs to a nineteen-year Dutch student who has been awarded many times and now looking for two million U.S. dollars to implement it.