9 Good Reminders That Will Change the Way You Think.

“This morning, nearly five years after my husband’s passing, a beautiful couple and their three kids knocked on my front door.  The man smiled and said,“Your husband was my heart donor.  He saved my life.  Not a single day has…

Consciousness Creates Our Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual Universe.

Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution. “Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world. Make no mistake, consciousness has (and has been for quite sometime) studied by numerous scientists, especially in…

Your Blood Group Type Reveals Your Personality.

Your blood group type can reveal your personality. Bright and dark aspects of your personality. Let’s have a look at what blood types possess which kind of qualities for any person and which blood type is compatible with another.

10 Mysterious Photos That Cannot Be Explained.

A picture is said to be worth a thousand words, though fact versus fable can be difficult to determine when evidence is limited and theories run wild. Stories associated with these images are not easy to explain or even not…

25 Signs You’re Succeeding At Life. (Even If It Doesn’t Feel Like It)

By Shannon Kaiser We’ve all had days, weeks, months and — for some — even years of dark days and depression. Whether we fall into ruts of self-sabotage, loneliness or insecurity, leading a happy, joyful life can sometimes feel like a…

Open Your Third Eye Using These Ancient Practises.

What is the Third Eye? The third eye is our ability to see what might be, to see potential. Everyone has access to his or her third eye. For example, when you have a hunch and act on it, you’ve…

Does The Soul Exist?

By Steven Bancarz, A lot of people are resistant to the idea of a “soul” because of how this term has gotten wrapped up in religious superstition and dogma. Some people think it is outright silly. But the concept of…

Waking Up The Goddess: Why Women Will Change The World!

For too many centuries and up to the present moment, women have been like footnotes in history books that no one bothered to read. Confined to a secondary role, they have been cast aside to serve the needs of society…