Documentary: Sandy Hook.

SANDY HOOK – Mark Howitt takes an investigative look into the events and controversy surrounding the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting which happened on December 14th 2012 in Newtown Connecticut. This documentary explores several aspects and claims of details surrounding…

Documentary: Skywatcher – The Incredible True Story Of Artificial Clouds And Weather Modification.

Anyone with eyes can plainly see, the sky is no longer ‘natural’; much of the ‘cloud cover’ results from persistent contrails (so-called ‘chemtrails’), which NASA satellite imagery makes readily apparent on a global scale.

Documentary: Who Killed the Electric Car (2006)

Who Killed the Electric Car? is a 2006 documentary film that explores the creation, limited commercialization, and subsequent destruction of the battery electric vehicle in the United States, specifically the General Motors EV1 of the mid 1990s.

Documentary: The True Battle Of Chernobyl Uncensored.

The True Battle Of Chernobyl is a documentary by director Thomas Johnson and producer Hind Saih. April 26, 2009. Exactly 23 years after the worst nuclear disaster ever, many untold stories still unburied.The main detail I wanted to point out…

Documentary: Paradise Or Oblivion

Paradise or Oblivion is a documentary created by The Venus Project. This documentary details the root causes of the systemic value disorders and detrimental symptoms caused by our current established system.

Documentary: Crossing Over – A New Beginning.

Dec 21, 2012 is on everyone’s mind. What will it bring? Is it the end of the world? A new beginning for mankind? Or just another year on the calendar? 2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning explores a spiritual perspective…

Documentary: The Shock Doctrine.

A documentary adaptation Naomi Klein’s 2007 book, The Shock Doctrine. An investigation of disaster capitalism, based on Naomi Klein’s proposition that neo-liberal capitalism feeds on natural disasters, war and terror to establish its dominance.

Documentary: THRIVE – What On Earth Will It Take?

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.