10 Tactics Narcissists Use to Command the Spotlight

Introduction: Narcissism, a complex personality trait, often manifests in individuals craving attention and validation from others. Narcissists have a knack for commanding the spotlight, using a variety of tactics to ensure they’re the center of attention. If you suspect you’re…

The Damaging Phrases Narcissistic Mothers Use on Their Children

Introduction: Narcissistic mothers can have a profoundly negative impact on their children’s mental health and emotional well-being. Their actions and words often revolve around maintaining control and power, rather than fostering a loving, supportive environment. This article highlights some of…

8 Parenting Behaviors That Can Lead to Narcissistic Children

Raising a child can be a challenging task, especially when the child exhibits narcissistic behavior. Research suggests that parents who engage in specific parenting practices are more likely to raise children with narcissistic traits. In this article, we will discuss…

7 Reasons Why Confident And Strong Women Are Targets For Narcissists

As narcissists have become prominent in today’s society, there are many misconceptions about them. One belief was that narcissists often go for insecure and weak people, offering a false perception for those who are strong and confident. This is a…

15 Things That Happen When The Empath Falls In Love With A Narcissist

Why Some Relationships Are Toxic and Doomed From the Beginning Many relationships are doomed from the start due to a lack of empathy, understanding, and communication between both parties. Narcissists often have difficulty seeing the needs of their partners, while…

Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, And Sadists

A study published in an issue of Personality and Individual Differences confirmed that Internet trolls are absolutely terrible people.

11 Manipulation Methods Narcissists Use To Get Inside Your Head

Toxicity comes in as many shapes and sizes as there are humans. Antisocial, two-timing narcissists are best known for their selfishness. All their interest lies in their hunger for power, and they are prepared to go to any length to…

When A Narcissist Says “I Love You” This Is What It Means

Believe it or not, when a narcissist says “I love you” it takes on a completely different meaning. These words coming from someone who can never truly love another person holds different significations.