Our Night Sky, if Celestial Bodies Were Closer to Earth.

From breathtaking nebulae to spectacular galaxies, the cosmos is chock-full of stunning celestial objects.

Top 10 Insane Discoveries that Sciense Cannot Explain

Science and technology may be accomplishing progressively unbelievable developments and revelations, however there are still things out there that just can’t be clarified by todays information or knowledge.

Strange Things Are Happening To Astronauts Returning From Space

  This is a beautiful video of what happens to astronauts when they return to Earth.

New Study Suggests We’re Approaching The "Big Crunch"

One theory for dark energy suggests the universe may not expand forever, but instead collapse in a “big crunch,” after which time ceases to exist. Now, according to a new study, this could happen much sooner than anyone expected—although still…

Mystery Radio Waves from Deep Space Captured Live, Sender Unknown.

An unknown radio signal, which may have come from a black hole, colliding neutron stars (or – for those who ‘believe’ – alien life), has been picked up by astronomers live for the first time ever. Its origins remain mysterious.

The Most Amazing Space Photos Published by NASA

We collected the most amazing photos of space , published by NASA.They are mind-blowing.What do you think?

NASA Discovers Over 750 New Planets!

We all know that there are an incredibly massive amount of stars in the universe, and we also know that in that incredibly massive number, there must be at least a couple planets around each one, making the number of…

Consciousness Creates Our Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual Universe.

Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution. “Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world. Make no mistake, consciousness has (and has been for quite sometime) studied by numerous scientists, especially in…