Self Improvement

7 Signs The Universe Is Trying To Show You Something Through Synchronicity.

7 Signs The Universe Is Trying To Show You Something Through Synchronicity.
Comments (11)
  1. Erin Swaby says:

    Jordan Cairns dun dun DUN!

  2. Sheila Marie Saladaga Deiparine

  3. Molly says:

    Almost everywhere I turned for a while my friends would lose something, and I would barley even look for it and find it. Even with my own things if they lost it I would find it in an instant. I seen this as a synchronization in a sense

  4. Ma says:

    All the time. I would need something,but short of money and the next day walking into charity shop finding the EXACT item!

    Or predicting line from a movie. We laugh with my friends when this happen. I would say out loud what is going to happen or what will be said and or does!

    Searching for a vacancy with specific tasks and next day perfect opportunity exactly what I was looking for. Like someone tailor made it to what I was planning!

    Just awesome!

    Waking up to 7:07 am on the clock or going to sleep at 1:01 or 1:11 am lmao

  5. Rohith Rao says:

    yes it has happened a lot of times n keeps happening but how will you know which direction in life you are going is right for you

  6. Ruby Naaz says:

    finally some scientists agree.

  7. Simen Hovind says:

    If a person write me a nice Mail I rather think that person is trying to tell me something than the universe

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